CoinSummit London to Share Developments Also Beneficial to Bitcoin Gambling

The Bitcoin gambling sector can once again expect more innovations as key players in the virtual currency industry are gathering together in CoinSummit London to talk about the future of Bitcoin, the possible technologies that may arise, and the legal challenges the digital currency must face.

Set to run on July 10 and 11, the London convention is the second CoinSummit for this year, following the one held in San Francisco in March, and is expected to find insightful discussions from a host of more than 70 speakers composed of virtual currency entrepreneurs, venture capital and angel investors, and hedge fund professionals among others.

According to its published list of speakers, notable personalities who will take the floor are Bitcoin Foundation Board of Director Brock Pierce, Angel Investor Roger Ver, Maidsafe CEO David Irvine, Silk Road Equity Co-Founder Matthew Roszak, BTC China CEO Bobby Lee, Megabigpower Founder David Carlson, and Lamassu CEO Zach Harvey to name a few.

Although the agenda of this convention is not directly related to the growing industry of Bitcoin gambling, the perceptions and possible developments among the Bitcoin influencers, investors, and entrepreneurs will affect certain aspects of the online activity, specifically with regards to the technology online players can use to transact and store bitcoins.

Bitcoin exchanges, the future of bitcoin storages, and consumer adoption are among the topics to be discussed in this two-day event. A start-up showcase will even take place alongside the talks, and will feature the likes of 37Coins, a Bitcoin wallet and security provider that banks on the SMS/text technology to send the digital currency, and other companies that aim to improve the Bitcoin usage in general.

Organized by tech entrepreneur Pamir Gelenbe, together with Gulnar Hasnain, the CoinSummit London will give a peek view of what is to come for Bitcoin entrepreneurs and adopters, and present the implications it may have on the rising trend of Bitcoin gambling.

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Chris: One of the most respected influencers in the Bitcoin and online gambling arena, Chris Evans is the Business Development Manager of Bitcoin Gambling Guide.